EPA Guidelines

Royal Refrigerants is a refrigerant wholesaler we can only sell refrigerant to persons who are EPA certified under section 608 or 609 and provide a copy of their license or the license of the technician who is installing the refrigerant. If you are buying refrigerant to re-sell the refrigerant to someone who is EPA certified you must declare that that is your intent and thats what you will be doing with the refrigerant. By doing this we are being compliant with the EPA and we can legally sell you the refrigerant and you can legally buy it from us. When you are checking out and purchasing the refrigerant you will have the opportunity to provide a copy of the EPA certification OR you can check the box that states that you will be re-selling the refrigerant to someone who is EPA certified. When you buy from Ability Refrigerants you have the confidence you are purchasing it legally and that it is brand new 100% virgin refrigerant that meets or exceeds ARI-700 standards. Please look under WHOLESALER RESPONSIBILITIES WHEN SELLING REFRIGERANT under this link and you will see the explanation:


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